On April 15th 2017 ideSHi organized a National Conference on Diagnosis of Genetic Disorders in Bangladesh: Present Situation and Future Directions. Scientists and clinicians stressed the need for initiating mandatory nationwide screening of new-born children in order to identify those at risk of having genetic diseases. Several genetic diseases like thalassemia, congenital hypothyroidism, Down syndrome, and muscular dystrophy are common in Bangladesh and causes severe financial, physical and mental distress, not just to those children affected but also to the entire family. The distressed children can many a times be treated, and/or managed to reduce sufferings and the disease can even be prevented by parental counselling. Many of these diseases result from consanguineous marriages and proper awareness and counselling as necessary can help prevent proliferation of these diseases. Diagnoses for these genetic diseases are done on many occasions by sending samples abroad. However, facilities for routine diagnosis and screening are now being developed at local institutions like the institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives (ideSHi) located at Centre for Medical Biotechnology at the Institute of Public Health. The conference was attended by over 150 researchers and clinicians from BSMMU, BIRDEM, DMC, SSMC, DU, IPH, AFIP, NINS, BSMG, NIPSOM and ideSHi. Prof. Dr. A. K. Azad Khan, President BADAS attended the conference as the chief guest, while Dr. A. K. Azad, Director General, DGHS, MOHFW, and Dr. John D. Clemens, Executive Director ICDDR,B were special guests. Prof. Dr. Naiyyum Choudhury, Chairman, BAERA and Prof. Dr. Deen Mohammed, Director NINS presided over the conference.