Dr. Zannat Kawser
Dr. Zannat Kawser completed her Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
(MBBS) from Mymensingh Medical
College, Bangladesh in 2013. In 2019 she pursued M. Phil in Microbiology and currently working at institute for
developing Science and Health initiatives (ideSHi) as an Assistant Scientist. Her current research
focuses on the molecular characteritistics, landscape of AMR of and immune response against Klebsiella pneumoniae and SARS-CoV-2
variant screening in Bangladesh. She
led her fellowship study at ideSHi on the evaluation of alternative methods for detection of SARS-CoV-2 and comparison
with standard RT-PCR, genomic surveillance of
SARS-CoV-2 as well as immune response against it. Apart from these, she
was involved in coordination and conduction of clinical trials
for an antiviral, anti-rheumatic
drug and an intraocular injection. She
authored a number of research articles which were published in distinguished
peer reviewed journals including
International Journal of Infectious Disease, PLOS Neglected Tropical Disease, American Journal of Tropical Medicine
and Hygiene, International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research, and Heliyon. She presented her works on AMR and SARS-CoV-2 at national and international
conferences. She was also selected
as a participant of 5th Young Scientist Award in the 11th annual meeting of Gabriel Network.
In recognition of her
academic excellence in Master’s program, she has been awarded The Prime
Minister’s Gold Medal Award-2019 and
The Chancellor’s Gold Medal
Award-2019 for being the top scorer in the faculty of Basic and Paraclinical
Science. She is aspired to advance her career in the field of microbiology, immunology and vaccinology.
Kawser, Zannat & Hossain, Mohabbat & Suliman, Sara & Lockman, Shahin & Gitaka, Jesse & Bandawe, Gama & Rahmat, Redwan & Afrad, Hassan & Rahman, Mohammed & Hasan, Imrul & Siddik, Abu & Miller, Glenn & Walt, David & Ivers, Louise & LaRocque, Regina & Harris, Jason & Qadri, Firdausi. (2021). An assessment of a rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen test in Bangladesh. DOI: 10.1101/2021.10.05.21264551
Kawser, Zannat & Shamsuzzaman, S. (2021). Intradermal Immunization with Heat-Killed Klebsiella pneumoniae Leading to the Production of Protective Immunoglobulin G in BALB/c Mice. International journal of applied & basic medical research. 11. 160-165. DOI: 10.4103/ijabmr.IJABMR_63_20
Gitaka, Jesse & Muthamia, Eva & Mungai, Samuel & Mungai, Mary & Bandawe, Gama & Qadri, Firdausi & Kawser, Zannat & Lockman, Shahin & Ivers, Louise & Walt, David & Suliman, Sara & Mwau, Matilu. (2021). ASSESSMENT OF PERFORMANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION CHARACTERISTICS OF RAPID POINT OF CARE SARS-CoV-2 ANTIGEN TESTING IN KENYA. DOI: 10.1101/2021.06.03.21258290
Shirin, Tahmina & Bhuiyan, Taufiqur & Charles, Richelle & Amin, Shaheena & Bhuiyan, Imran & Kawser, Zannat & Rahat, Asifuzaman & Alam, Ahmed & Sultana, Sharmin & Aleem, Md & Khan, Manjur & Khan, Samsad & LaRocque, Regina & Calderwood, Stephen & Ryan, Edward & Slater, Damien & Banu, Sayera & Clemens, John & Harris, Jason & Qadri, Firdausi. (2020). Antibody Responses after COVID-19 Infection in Patients Who Are Mildly Symptomatic or Asymptomatic in Bangladesh. SSRN Electronic Journal. 101. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3675451