Institute for developing Science and Health initiatives was launched in 2014 with the goal to create awareness, strengthen capacity and power innovations to make Bangladesh a global leader in the field of biomedical sciences and translational research.
The initiative for establishing “Institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives (ideSHi)” was possible with the Christophe Rodolfe Grand Prize awarded to Dr. Firdausi Qadri in June 2012. A seven- member executive board was formed with experts and entrepreneurs to plan and formally register ideSHi in Bangladesh as a non-profit foundation. The institute is now located on the 11th floor of Blue Moon Gram Tower, 167/24 Kalshi Road, ECB Chattar, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka-1206.
From February 2014, the ideSHi facility started functioning and at present is buzzing with activities and has turned into a hub for scientists, research fellows and undergraduate and PhD fellows. Collaborating scientists from USA and France are working with ideSHi. The institute is also running training courses for medical personnel, clinicians and biomedical researchers by focus on areas of biomedical sciences and biotechnology where a crucial need and a major gap exists in Bangladesh and in the developing world.
Although ideSHi principally aims at introducing studies on inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) including diagnosis of IEM, focus is also given on other genetic disorders including Down Syndrome, hereditary neuro-degenerative diseases like Huntington’s disease, congenital hypothyroidism, thalassemia etc. as well as on infectious diseases including respiratory infections, Hepatitis E virus infections, rapid diagnosis of typhoid fever, molecular diagnosis of ETEC diarrhea and diarrheal diseases, as well as molecular mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in acute respiratory and enteric infections. ideSHi is also heavily involved in SARS-CoV-2 research and part of a nationwide surveillance of emerging strains, and offers diagnostic tests for COVID infections.
Since its inception, ideSHi has quickly established its state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and has built an impressive network of local and world-class international partners in order to carry out its mission. It has also successfully recruited internationally trained local researchers to return to Bangladesh and join ideSHi, thereby beginning its objective of building local scientific, training and research capacity. ideSHi’s seven-member Executive Board includes national leaders in the areas of health, education and technology. ideSHi has also established a Scientific Advisory Board comprised of local and international experts in the areas of public health, biomedical research and biotechnology. ideSHi is registered as a non-profit foundation with the Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms and the NGO Affairs Bureau.
In addition, ideSHi is committed to carrying out humanitarian and research programs for devising pragmatic solutions to public health problems encountered here in Bangladesh; strengthening local scientific capacity and encouraging innovations; facilitating and organizing scientific training programs, and arranging seminars, symposia, and conference for carrying out academic discourses to address local, regional and global health issues. ideSHi is also determined to provide a world-class education to graduate and post-graduate level students, thereby improving technical capabilities of scientists in Bangladesh.
Our Mission
To solve health challenges faster through diverse state-of-the-art scientific
Our Vision
Our Values