Cervical Cancer Elimination Day of Action 2023

Reflecting on a Remarkable Day of Action for Cervical Cancer Elimination!
On November 17, WHO marked 3 years of the Global Strategy for cervical cancer
elimination by holding its annual Cervical Cancer Elimination Day of Action. The Day of Action was
focused on raising awareness and highlighting local efforts around the world to eliminate
cervical cancer.

To celebrate the event ideSHi (Institute for developing Science & Health initiatives), along with the Public Health Department of Dhaka University arranged a Seminar, on November 16,
2023 at The University of Dhaka. In that program Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Mahbub Hasan, Dean of
Faculty of Biological Science, Dhaka University, gave his opening speech and Dr. Firdausi Qadri
who is one of the co-leads of the Global Declaration to Eliminate Cervical Cancer, presented the
Cervical Cancer scenario and the Global Strategy for Cervical cancer elimination and about the
vaccination, screening and treatment. Her impassioned address delved into the heart of
the initiative, offering a vision for a world where cervical cancer is no longer a threat to
women’s health. She Also welcomed all to sign the declaration and support others. Chairman of the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Prof. Dr. Enamul Haque and Chairman
of the department of Public Health, Dhaka University Prof. Dr. Emran Kabir Chowdhury also
presented their valuable speech.

After the seminar we had a rally which reached new heights as the Vice Chancellor of Dhaka University, Dr. ASM Maksud Kamal joined.

The Day of Action also served as a platform to showcase and celebrate local initiatives worldwide. From community outreach programs to innovative awareness campaigns, the event underscored the importance of grassroots efforts in the broader mission to eliminate cervical cancer. This comprehensive pledge outlines a roadmap towards achieving a world free from the scourge of cervical cancer. The global community, united in purpose, stands poised to turn this vision into reality.

Together, we can amplify our efforts and propel the journey towards a cervical cancer-free world. Let’s continue to strive for a future where cervical cancer is but a distant memory, and every woman can live a life free from the fear of this preventable disease. Together, we can make a difference!

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