National research and research career festival- 2024 participated by ideSHi

From its inception, ideSHi has held fast to its mission that is at once visionary and pragmatic-

promoting creativity in science and inspiring innovations. Aiming to spread its vision and to

engage esteemed scientific minds ideSHi took part in the ‘National research and research career

festival- 2024’ on 25 th May, 2024 at TSC of the University of Dhaka, organized by the Dhaka

University Science Society and National Science and Technology Museum. Representatives from

our institute were present in the booth, showcased ideSHi’s own research works and revealed

career opportunities to the promising young science researchers and other visitors. Country’s

other important and leading research institutions also took part in the festival. The honorable

Minister Architect Yeafesh Osman, ministry of science and technology, was present as the chief

guest and awarded crests to the participants.


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