Author name: saylakhan

“Vaccines As Tools to Combat Antimicrobial Resisitance” took place as in person meeting between 27–28 February 2023 and was held in Edgbaston Park Hotel and Conference Centre in Birmingham, UK

Vaccines As Tools to Combat Antimicrobial Resisitance” took place as  in person meeting between 27–28 February 2023 and was held in Edgbaston Park Hotel and Conference Centre in Birmingham, UK.   Dr. Zannat Kawser and Mrs. Sanchita Kar were proud delegates representing ideSHi, Bangladesh in the conference. The talks and poster sessions showcased the diverse […]

“Vaccines As Tools to Combat Antimicrobial Resisitance” took place as in person meeting between 27–28 February 2023 and was held in Edgbaston Park Hotel and Conference Centre in Birmingham, UK Read More »

Training on The Conduct of Bioequivalence Studies of Medicines for DGDA & CROs, Bangladesh

  ideSHi is a one of the renowned Contract Research Organization (CRO) in Bangladesh, approved by DGDA. Since 2019, ideSHi have conducted various bioanalytical work on investigative products (Medicine/ medical device, etc) for clinical trials.  Recently, USP PQM+ arranged a training on conducting bioequivalence studies of medicine from 7 th  -8 th  February 2023 at

Training on The Conduct of Bioequivalence Studies of Medicines for DGDA & CROs, Bangladesh Read More »

BSBMB-SABC-OMC International Conference 2023 on Molecules of Life for Sustainability

From 3rd February to 5th February The Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BSBMB) arranged the 6th South Asian Biotechnology Conference (SABC) at Senate Bhaban, Dhaka, Bangladesh. ideSHi also participated in the conference and got selected for four poster presentations and one oral presentation.   ideSHi have also received the best poster award” prepared

BSBMB-SABC-OMC International Conference 2023 on Molecules of Life for Sustainability Read More »

Launching of HPV awareness Program among School Girls by ideSHi..

On 16 January HPV program among the school, girls were held at the Mirpur girls ideal Laboratory institute chaired by Mrs. Zeenat Farhana, Head Master. The Chief Guest was Prof. Dr. Sabera Khatoon, EX Head, Gynae & Oncology Department, BSMMU. Among others Ms. Sheefa Hafiza, Gender Expert, Bangladesh, Dr. Tajul Islam A. Bari, Ex Program Manager

Launching of HPV awareness Program among School Girls by ideSHi.. Read More »

Thalassemia Awareness and Free Carrier Screening program at Popular Medical College, Dhaka.

ideSHi in collaboration with First Security Islami Bank Ltd. conducted its 23 st thalassemia awareness program on 14th January 2023, at Popular Medical College and Hospital ,Dhaka, among the  Medical Student, Intern, Faculty and  Doctors. The program aimed to raise the awareness regarding thalassemia and enhance capacity building within healthcare providers. In the first half

Thalassemia Awareness and Free Carrier Screening program at Popular Medical College, Dhaka. Read More »

Celebrating ideSHi Day by Cervical Cancer Awareness program HPV infection, HPV Vaccination, and Prevention

Cancer of the cervix is considered as a major public health problem for women across the world.It was estimated that, globally, 91% of HPV-related cancers in women in 2018 were cervical cancer. Cervical cancer was the fourth leading cause of cancer and cancer deaths in women in 2020, with an estimated 604 000 new cases

Celebrating ideSHi Day by Cervical Cancer Awareness program HPV infection, HPV Vaccination, and Prevention Read More »

ideSHi Scientists Participated 16th ASCODD-2022 Conference

ideSHi enthusiastically participated in this year’s 16th ASCODD-2022 conference, which was held in Kolkata from November 11–13. Dr. Firdausi Qadri was one of the Chairs of the conference. The conference’s theme this year was “Prevention and control of cholera, typhoid and other enteric diseases in low and middle-income countries through community participation: beyond the SARS-CoV-2

ideSHi Scientists Participated 16th ASCODD-2022 Conference Read More »

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